Your Resource HUB

Here you’ll find everything you need to set up GoGenerosity in your business. Simply choose a section below and complete your set up.

Send a newsletter to your customers

Once your prompt is activated it's time to tell your customers. They need to know what this prompt means and what the outcome of using it is.

An email newsletter and a social media story or post is a great way to communicate how you're working with GoGenerosity.

Template for sharing

It’s a tough time and we know that many in our community are struggling.

So, we’re paying-it-forward to [name of charity] to help make a positive impact.

How does it work?
When shopping with us online you'll see the option to pay-it-forward in your cart.

You can add a small donation of any amount you choose.

We turn 100% of this generosity into [name of products] for [name of charity] to help people in need.

Every little bit counts. Whether it is $1, $5, or $20. Together we can make a big difference

Want to know more?
Check out our Generosity HUB to follow the stats and read stories of people impacted.

You can learn more about GoGenerosity here (link)

Sharing your generosity on social media

Social media is a powerful platform for sharing what makes your business special - your GoGenerosity partnership is part of that. By sharing your generosity you make sure your customers know they can be part of it.

Watch this 46 second video for some tips.

Need a hand getting started?
Here are some examples you can copy.

Kickoff post
Distribution post
Distribution post - from us
Wrap up post

Follow us

Promoting our partnership on your website

Having GoGenerosity on your website showcases that you’re a generous business, and lets them know how your business’s pay-it-forwards are directly impacting people’s lives.

How to show your generosity on your website

1. Add a new page or add a new section to your community page (if you have one)

2. Copy and paste this description, personalising it to your business: Help us help locals in need. We’ve partnered with local initiative GoGenerosity to make generosity easy. This gives you the opportunity to pay-it-forward by adding a small amount to your bill. These small amounts are added up for us to provide [your product/service] to [charity partner], who distributes them to locals in need.

3. Add two buttons with the following links and text: Link to the GoGenerosity homepage with ‘learn more’. Link your generosity HUB with ‘See our latest stats’. Find this in the Business Directory by clicking your logo.

4. You can even choose to add an image from our image drive 👇

Giving to my charity partner

There's four key steps to follow below and a video to show you where everything is found in Shopify.

1. Go to products > gift cards > issue gift card

2. Enter the value you’ve been requested to create and set the expiry date to two weeks from today

3. Issue the gift card to our support team. If this is your first time creating a GoGen gift card you will need to add us as a new customer using the email support@gogenerosity.com

4. Activate and Send. This will be sent to your charity partner within one working day.

GoGenerosity assets

Download our logo to use on your website and our images to use on your socials, or vice versa.

Need help?

Send us an email and we'll give you a hand