March 10, 2023

Do good, drink coffee

1 min


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VIew Profile

What’s better than good coffee and good food? It’s knowing that you’re doing good while enjoying that coffee and food.

Papamoa icon, Henry & Ted, is a cafe known for their barista skills and incredible menu. Plus the frequent sightings of furry canines from their outdoors seating area is a fantastic bonus.

Henry & Ted are also known for doing good in the community, paying-forward 20 meals to Under the Stars Tauranga, with the help of CSC Buying Group’s generous pay-it-forwards.

Under the Stars is a charitable trust that was set up to help feed the homeless and needy in Tauranga, serving lunch on Thursdays and dinners on Saturdays. 

So, if you’re wanting to catch up with friends or family for a meal, with a side of doing good, why not head on down to Henry & Ted’s and pay-it-forward while you’re there? 

You can head to their Generosity HUB to see the impact their pay-it-forwards have had on our locals in need so far. It’s pretty impressive! 

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