March 24, 2023

Looking after babies, homes and planet

1 min


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VIew Profile

Baby on the way? Exciting times! But for some, there can be fear and concern about how to feed and clothe another little one.


Enter The Nest Collective. Working with social workers and other community partners, The Nest Collective provides free packs of baby essentials to Mums and families in need. These packs can include clothes, toys and nappies and other lotions and potions that help to take care of newborns. 

One Nest Collective community partner said: “Stella [not her real name] is very worried as she only just found out she's pregnant. After talking to her in regards to an Auckland Nest Collective pack request, she's starting to calm down.” It’s the support of The Nest and others like them that helps mums feel more at ease and prepared. 

Thanks to Ecovask, one of the items in The Nest’s packs is organic dishcloths. Ecovask paid-it-forward $100 worth of their dishcloths to The Nest. 

One of The Nest’s spokespeople said: “Our first packs were put together with amazing items donated by Ecovask and their wonderful customers through GoGenerosity. So grateful for partnerships like this that make our packs so special.”


The knitted dishcloths that Ecovask sells can be used and washed and reused, making them sustainable so they also help us to look after the planet. Plus they are longer laster and better looking, giving busy parents one less thing to worry about.


You can buy Ecovask dishcloths online, and don’t forget to add a little to your bill (even $1 or $2 can help) so that Ecovask can continue paying-it-forward to The Nest Collective.

If you’re not in the market for dishcloths, head to our marketplace to see other places you can pay-it-forward.

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