January 16, 2023

Paying-forward a night away for tired charity workers

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We love sharing with you stories of generosity from our amazing business partners. This one comes all the way from Northland where the generous campers at Baylys Beach Campground have been paying-it-forward so the campground can offer accommodation to charity workers serving the local area. The photo above shows two of the team from Habitat for Humanity using their nights accommodation to be able to spend time in the Dargaville area, scoping out land they'll use to build homes that'll house local families who're doing it tough 🏡

If you're new to our community, you might not yet understand that GoGenerosity gives businesses a way for their customers to pay-it-forward at the point of sale to produce and distribute goods and services for their favourite local charities. This model allows businesses and their customers to be part of making a difference in their local community in small amounts often.

Mark and Trish who own and run the campground, pool all the small pay-it-forward donations that many of their guests give and turn them into tangible help for Habitat for Humanity, amplifying the good they're able to do for the local community. We love seeing the impact many people, doing seemingly little, can have on their community. As Hellen Keller says, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

See if you can also be involved in paying-it-forward for a better future by trying to spot your local in our business partner directory.

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