January 16, 2023

$900 of fuel to Z Energy's 3 charities

3 min


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VIew Profile

This week we were so pleased to be able to give Breast Cancer Support Services, Age Concern and Rescue Revive Re-home (RRR) their share of $900 of fuel to help them continue the great work they do in the Bay of Plenty.

This was made possible thanks to the generosity of Z Energy, their amazing customers and their corporate partners who have been paying-it-forward on top of their fuel bills.

So how does this fuel help?

Breast Cancer Support looks after local people who are waiting on a diagnosis or have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This includes anyone inside the Western Bay of Plenty, from Maketu to Waihi Beach, helping them with emotional and practical support. These fuel vouchers help to ease financial pressure due to reduced income and pay for the increased travel required to get to all the extra hospital visits, which can be more than one a day at certain times of the treatment journey.

Age Concern uses the fuel vouchers to pay for volunteer fuel, so they can support the local older community in many different ways. This can be anything from helping them with day-to-day things, like doing the supermarket shopping, doing in-home visits for emotional support and helping them stay active by running fitness classes all over the Bay of Plenty. In the past these generous volunteers would personally pay for the fuel to do all of this awesome work.

Last, but not least RRR put these fuel vouchers to great use 🐶 fuelling the vehicles that pick up abandoned, miss treated and neglected animals from all over the Bay of Plenty and beyond.  This includes our favourite household pets like cats and dogs, as well as large animals like horses. Staggeringly, there are over 14,000 dogs alone mistreated in NZ each year! The RRR team rescue these animals, bring them back to full health and  adopt them out to a loving family, who also benefit from having a cute new addition to their home.

Your generosity at Z Energy enables so much impact, so thank you for paying-it-forward.

To play your part in these impacting stories, simply fill up your tank at Z Energy Bay of Plenty and pay-it-forward any amount you choose, whether it's 50c or $1 it all counts. When we all give our little bit we can, together, make a huge difference.

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