February 24, 2023

Being social for schools

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VIew Profile

Being social does not just mean being chatty and friendly. It also means being aware of people and their needs, especially those around us in the community. And there are lots of people in need in our communities.

Mount Social Club are well aware of this social need and generously paid-it-forward 34 frozen meals of vegetarian curry  to Kura Kai or “food for schools.” Kura Kai aims to teach our rangatahi (young people) the value of manaakitanga (respect and generosity) and caring for themselves and their whanau through tasty and nutritious meals. Kura Kai supplies chest freezers to their partnering secondary schools, and their generous volunteers prepare meals that are then distributed by the schools when they see a need. The rangatahi themselves are also encouraged to keep an eye out for others in need around them too. And so, the cycle of caring continues. 

Besides making mount-watering curries, Mount Social Club offers their guests an array of culinary delights, like salads, burgers and sharing plates (so you can really be social while you’re there!). Their sociability does not just relate to people either as Mount Social Club are also big on sustainability in their kitchen - meaning, no waste. 

As corporate partners, Mount Main Street (the Mount’s business district) and First Mortgage Trust (for all your borrowing and investing needs) also took part in the pay-it-forwards. Next time you’re in at Mount Social Club for a meal out, add a little to your bill to help Mount Social Club multiply their giving to Kura Kai.

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