January 16, 2023

Giving can feel as good as receiving

1 min


Written by:

Andy Fuller

VIew Profile

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Have you ever noticed how paying-it-forward a smile or a cheery word can make you feel so much better about the world and yourself? Giving seems to bring as much joy to the giver as it does to the recipient.

This is how Reload Coffee thinks. They recently invited people from the Cambridge Community House to come and choose a drink and something yummy to eat from their cabinets for free! A delicious outing for those in need who wouldn't get to otherwise.

Reload has generously given away about $278 worth of their incredible coffee and treats and, with each person from the Community House having about $12 spent on them by Reload, that’s a lot of coffee and muffins! That’s a lot of generous giving too.

Cambridge Community House is just that – a Community House in Cambridge. It’s where locals can come for help, whether it is counselling or budget advice, or help finding school uniforms or food when it is needed. It’s a community hub that keeps on giving to the people of Cambridge. Being able to offer food and drinks at Reload Coffee to these people who are hurting or in need is a welcome respite and a generous gift.

If you are ever in Cambridge and need to reload with a coffee fix, you know where to go! You’ll find Reload at 15 Campbell Street in Leamington, Cambridge. If you also want to be part of their giving, consider offering a little extra to your bill – everyone giving a little can lead to Reload giving a lot to people like those from the Cambridge Community House. This way everyone joins in the joy of giving.

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