January 16, 2023

Leading by example

2 min


Written by:

Megan Raynor

VIew Profile

The connection between happy bodies and happy minds has been well-publicised over recent years. Endorphins, health and time to yourself are huge wins, but sometimes it’s hard to carve out the time or money to invest in a gym membership. For those in our community who commit their lives to putting other people first, it can feel like even more of a leap to make time for themselves.

The social workers at Tauranga Women’s Refuge are a prime example. As a charity that provides support and safety for women and children experiencing domestic violence, they care for others deeply. 

They spend their days (and nights) looking after the women and children in their care, taking on trauma, receiving minimal income, and giving all their mental and physical energy to making a difference where they can. It leaves them burnt out.

It also means they’re not leading by example - something they strive to do for the women they support.

A big part of what we're doing is encouraging women to step out of their comfort zones. A lot of these women in domestic violence have too much anxiety to leave their homes, or they're not even allowed to go outside. So this membership is a way to encourage the women to get amongst exercise. My personal motto is that people will follow what you do first, so I'm trying to encourage these women to step out of their comfort zones.

Social Worker

Tauranga Women's Refuge

Thanks to the generosity of F45 Training Tauranga and their members, Tauranga Women’s Refuge were given 2 x 6 month memberships to either nurture the nurturers or provide to the women in their service.

As Women’s Refuge explains “When we got these memberships we tried to give them to women in domestic violence situations however the ones who were interested were too anxious to actually take it up, but one woman said 'let me know how it goes', so I'm hoping to do this to show her and model exercise and stepping out. We hope to give these memberships to these women in the next round, but we need to show them first.”

We’re really excited to see the impact some F45-induced self-care has on these two social workers, and the example they set for the women. 

If you want to support F45 Training Tauranga, head along to 134 Devonport Road and get your sweat on. It’s a quick and fun way to get your endorphin-hit for the day.

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