January 16, 2023

Meals for families needing rest, safety & healing

2 min


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VIew Profile

Unfortunately in New Zealand, domestic violence is an all too common and serious problem. As we began the GoGenerosity journey we knew we would have a particular focus and passion for supporting women and families, but what we didn't truly understand is the wider reaching impact of domestic violence. It's been heartbreaking to get insight into the huge impact of family violence beyond the obvious like physical injury, fear and psychological damage.

As the incredible team at Women's Refuge Tauranga told, us "women and children using our services are under tremendous stress, and have often fled their abusers with few belongings and money. When staying in our safe house, they are often injured, stressed and upset. Not having to think about cooking for the evening and then eating restaurant is a huge blessing for them, enabling them to spend more time with their children, resting, and healing."

"women and children using our services are under tremendous stress, and have often fled their abusers with few belongings and money. When staying in our safe house, they are often injured, stressed and upset. Not having to think about cooking for the evening and then eating restaurant is a huge blessing for them, enabling them to spend more time with their children, resting, and healing."

Thanks to the generous team and customers at Sugo Restaurant in Tauranga, we were recently able to provide 10 restaurant quality meals to the women and families sheltering at Tauranga Womens Refuge.

From the team at GoGenerosity, Tauranga Womens Refuge and most importantly the families who are victims of domestic violence, thank you team Sugo. Without your generous customers paying-it-forward, you guys contributing your own money and skills we couldn't serve people who 's lives are made a little bit better thanks to your generosity.... thank you, you're amazing.

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