February 1, 2023

Serve-ing the Hamilton community

2 min


Written by:

Megan Raynor

VIew Profile

Making dinner every night can feel like a chore. The mental admin, the grocery shop, and the actual prep can make it seem too hard. But when you think about what it would be like to not have the option of dinner, you start to feel a whole lot more grateful for the task in front of you. 

Thanks to Zenders and The Serve Trust, dinner is an option that’s available to many more locals in need than ever before.

Zenders Cafe and Venue has always been led by a love for their community. Before they even began working with GoGenerosity they were already giving back by packing up the fresh food that hasn’t been served in their cafe and delivering it to locals in need of sustenance. 

Now they use the pay-it-forwards from customers and their generous corporate partner S&L Land Specialists, to make their own food donations go further.

Teresa, Zenders owner, was able to deliver $450 worth of salads, breads, buns and curry to the men at The Serve Trust in Hamilton.

The Serve is a volunteer-led organisation which serves evening meals 365 days a year for those who need them. They began as meals in a carpark in 2014 and have grown to be able to offer support and meals thanks to the generosity of individuals and businesses like Zenders.

Teresa often makes the food deliveries to The Serve herself, seeing the impact that the pay-it-forwards have first hand.

“It’s absolutely worth it. It’s so neat to see people get the benefit [of the food], it makes a difference to them. Every person is special, every story is special… Sometimes there are people waiting outside and they’re just so appreciative, offering help. ‘Thank you miss, can I help you miss, can I carry a box for you miss?’ You can see it really makes a difference to them, they’re so incredibly appreciative.”


Zenders Cafe

Want to support Zenders’ efforts to feed the hungry? Head to their delicious Dutch-style family cafe and pay-it-forward while you’re there. You’ll find them on Hopkins Road, Hamilton.

Or, if you’re not a Waikato local, head to our marketplace to see where else you can pay-it-forward near you.

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