January 16, 2023

Thanks for paying-it-forward, Chow

2 min


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VIew Profile

Chow Tory is a modern restaurant in Wellington that serves Asian-influenced meals that are nutritious and healthy. With a nod to sustainability, Chow Tory also only uses “free-range chicken, pork and eggs and sustainably line-caught fish.” They even have a lunch deal going if those in the area need a quick meal in between work or other commitments. You can find Chow Tory on Level 1 at 45 Tory Street in the centre of the Courtenay Place entertainment district.


Chow Tory also likes meeting the needs in their community. So, they rustled up ten of their Asian infusion meals to give to Sweet Louise. Sweet Louise was set up in 2008 and is the only organisation that has been set up to help New Zealand women and men who are living with incurable breast cancer.

Sweet Louise aims to offer compassion and care to these people so they can “live as well as possible, for as long as possible.”

Although the medical profession can medically treat people with such breast cancer diagnoses, Sweet Louise offers emotional help, like connection with others facing terminal breast cancer, and practical support, such as home help, transport to appointments, groceries—and meals. So, thanks to Chow Tory, ten people with breast cancer had their need for a tasty meal met.


GoGenerosity also believes in meeting needs and has partnered with Chow Tory—and Sweet Louise—to pay-it-forward to help those with incurable breast cancer to have a better future. Next time you are visiting Chow Tory, think about how you, too, can be helping Sweet Louise as well. To see all the impact Chow has had in their local community already, visit their Generosity HUB.

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